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Why do you write from the male point of view?

When an author first starts writing much of it is trial and error until he/she finds what suits them best.  And so it was with me.  My early unpublished attempts were at writing historical sagas, switching the story between a female lead character and a male lead character.  When these failed to find a publisher, and when I suddenly woke up to the fact that all my sagas contained a crime element, I abandoned sagas and wrote a suspense novel primarily with a female lead.  This got me an agent  (I was at last on the right track) but she failed to find me a publisher. The agent very quickly dropped me. Back to the drawing board.

The more I wrote the more I realized that I enjoyed writing from the male character's view point rather than the female.  Many people have asked me why and the answer is I don’t really know, maybe it’s because I like male heroes. I sometimes joke it must be because I'm a closet male!  I'm not. But I do think my background in marketing has helped to some degree. I have often, in the past, had to market products to males of all ages, and I have predominantly worked in male environments.  The ability of a good marketeer is that you are able to put yourself into the shoes of your customers, whether they be younger or older than you, or of a different gender.  Actors also can make very good authors as they obviously have the knack of playing totally different characters to themselves, getting into the mindset of that personality and conveying it in a way the audience can believe in. So it is with writing.

Writing from the male point of view, and the single point of view in that you follow the story through my main characters' eyes whether that be Detective Inspector Horton, Inspector Ryga or Art Marvik, or my two standalone mystery novels, is my style. That being said there are, of course, some very strong females in my novels.

There are also some villians and psychopaths and although I hope I have drawn them convincingly for you I can assure you are I am not one!


About Pauline

Pauline Rowson lives on the South Coast of England and is the best selling author of many crime novels, published by Joffe Books. Her popular crime novels include the DI Andy Horton Solent Murder Mystery series, the Art Marvik mystery thrillers and the 1950s set Inspector Ryga mysteries. Subscribe to her newsletter for all the latest books news.

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