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Death in the Nets (3)

A cold wet January night, the body of a man stabbed through the heart, is found tangled up in fishing nets in Brixham Harbour, Devon.

Death In the Nets

1951, Brixham, Devon.

Inspector Alun Ryga heads to the coast with photographer Eva Paisley. They are staying with Eva’s old friend Anna and her nine-year-old Jean-Claude.

Jean-Claude is convinced he saw a body on the shore ‘all bashed up’ and claims a mermaid took it away. It’s all he’s been talking about for a week!

Intrigued, Ryga asks Jean-Claude to take them to the harbour. And sure enough a man’s body is there, wrapped in nets, with a stab wound to the heart.

Jean-Claude was right. But who’s the victim? And what prompted the little boy to come up with the idea of a mermaid?

Ryga begins to investigate, but the discovery of another body throws him into turmoil.

Someone is killing to keep their secrets hidden. And with Ryga hot on their heels, he could be next.



"Attention to detail and location is top rate. If you are interested in this period before CCTV, instant communication and computers took over our lives, completely changing police work, then you will enjoy this book."

"Another brilliant story. You can almost feel you're there with the characters."’ 

"A page turner from start to finish with plenty of twists and turns to keep you guessing as to whom the perpetrator is."

"I certainly did not see that ending coming! I would never have guessed who was behind those killings and in this I didn't even link any of the clues in the right way! Thoroughly enjoyable."





Other books in this series

Death On Board
Death in the Dunes
Death in the Harbour
Death in the Cove


About Pauline

Pauline Rowson lives on the South Coast of England and is the best selling author of many crime novels, published by Joffe Books. Her popular crime novels include the DI Andy Horton Solent Murder Mystery series, the Art Marvik mystery thrillers and the 1950s set Inspector Ryga mysteries. Subscribe to her newsletter for all the latest books news.

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